Bibliothèque et ressources

The Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills

James W. Partington, Ph.D., BCBA

The ABLLS-R Protocol and The ABLLS-R Guide are two books in a series of publications from Behavior Analysts, Inc., that can help parents and educators with the process of identifying specific skills that should be the focus of intervention for a child with language delays.The ABLLS Protocol provides both parents and professionals with criteria-referenced information regarding a child's current skills, and provides a curriculum that can serve as a basis for the selection of educational objectives.

The Complete Guide to Asperger`s Syndrome

Tony Attwood

395 pages / 2007

The Complete Guide to Asperger's Syndrome is the definitive handbook for anyone affected by Asperger's Syndrome. It brings together a wealth of information on all aspects.

Drawing on case studies and personal accounts from Attwood's extensive clinical experience, and form his correspondence with individuals with AS, this book is both authoritative and extremely accessible.

The curious incident of the dog in the night-time

Christopher John Francis Boone knows all the countries of the world and their capitals and every prime number up to 7 057. He relates well to animals but has no understanding of human emotions. He cannot stand to be touched. And he detests the color yellow.

The improbable story of Christopher's quest to investigate the suspicious death of a neighborhood dog makes for one of the most captivating, unusual, and widely heralded novels in recent years.

The Essential Guide to Asperger's Syndrome - A parent's complete source of information and advice on raising a child with Asperger's

Eileen Bailey, Robert W. Montgomery, PhD

302 pages            2012

A diagnosis of Asperger’s Syndrome brings with it numerous questions. But if your child has been diagnosed with Asperger’s, there are answers, and with them, hope.

The Essential Guide to Asperger’s Syndrome offers a practical look at Asperger’s and how it affects your child, from his toddler to young adult years. Expert authors give you insight into your Aspie child’s thought processes and behaviors and explain how to deal with tantrums and meltdowns, repetitive behavior, and perfectionism. In addition, you discover how encouraging your child’s special interests and helping ease his obsessions benefits his development. This book also gives you the tools to become your child’s best advocate, alerting you to beneficial educational services and therapies, and arming you with strategies for working with teachers and administrators to find the options for your child. Above all else, it shares ideas for making your family relationships as happy and stress free as possible, so you can give your child the structure and loving home life he needs.

The Incredible 5 Point Scale: Assisting students with autism spectrum disorders in understanding social interactions and controlling their emotionla responses

Kari Dunn Buron, Autism Resource Specialist

Mitzi Beth Curtis, Autism Resource Specialist

73 pages/ 2003

The 5-Point Scale will help teachers, aides, principals and parents to truly understand the behavior of students with Asperger Syndrome and high-functioning autism while learning simple and effective methods for managing behavior problems.

Kari and Mitzi are committed to positive support for all students and to the teaching of skills needed for social success.


The Less Than Perfect Child - An inspirational journey from a life of disfunction to life as a surgeon

Dr. David C. Bardsley

169 pages            2011

Growing up with a behavioral or learning disorder is never easy; not for the parents not for the teachers, and especially not for the affected child. The past 15 years have seen an unprecedented explosion in the diagnosis of ADHD, Autism, Tourette’s, Asperger’s and Defient Behavior. Many of those affected are now reaching adulthood.

Dr. David Bardsley is an author, surgeon and motivational speaker. While growing up in the trenches of disfunctionality, he was institutionalized at age 8 and diagnosed as mentally retarded: a diagnosis his parents refused to accept. This story of hope and transformation will encourage the millions of troubles parents who worry about what the future holds for their “Less Than Perfect Child” and inspire those adults who have never been diagnosed, yet struggle daily with behavioral and learning disorders.


The Myth of the A.D.D. Child

Thomas Armstrong, Ph.D.         320 pages/ 1997

In this controversial and provocative book, Dr. Armstrong confronts America's obsession with Attention Deficit Disorder. With more than one million children diagnosed with ADD, the condition has gained national attention. Dr. Armstrong, well-known for his writings on parenting and education, presents the very real argument that ADD may, in fact, not exist. He believes that many behaviors labeled as ADD are simply a child's active response to complex social, emotional, and educational influences, and that by tackling the root causes of a child's attention and behavior problems, rather than masking the symptoms with medication and behavior-modification programs, parents can help their children begin to experience fundamentally positive changes in their lives. This groundbreaking book provides parents and professionals with 50 innovative and proven strategies they can use to help children overcome their attention and behavior problems.

The New Language of Toys: Teaching Communication Skills to Children with Special Needs-A Guide for Parents and Teachers

Sue Shwartz, Ph.D.                   249 pages/ 2004

Many young children with special needs experience language delays and need additional help to build language skills. What better way to encourage communication development than through play? This is an excellent resource to help special needs children from birth through age six build language skills through play. Includes information on 65 new toys and accompanying toy dialogues.

The New Social Story Book

Carol Gray                                110 pages/2000

Gray's "The New Social Story Book" contains her ground-breaking concepts that are being used all over the world to teach vital social and functional skills to children with autism.

The Paraprofessional`s Guide to the Inclusive Classroom

Mary Beth Doyle          137 pages/ 2002

Accessible and jargon-free, this newly updated, innovative handbook perfect for training paraprofessionals includes strategies for building classrooms that welcome and support all students as well as the latest information on legislation and the family's role in education and chapters on classroom management and behavioral supports.

The Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS)-Training Manual

Lori Frost, M.S., CCC/SLP, Andy Bondy, Ph.D.  396 pages/ 2002

The PECS System was developed as a means to teach children with autism and related developmental disabilities a rapidly acquired, self-initiating, functional communication system. Its theoretical roots combine principles from applied behavior analysis, typical speech and language development, and guidelines established within the field of alternative and augmentative communication.

The Verbal Behavior Approach - How to teach children with autism and related disorders

Dr. Mary Lynch Barbera with Tracy Rasmussen

199 pages          2007

The Verbal Behavior (VB) Approach is a form of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), that is based on B. F. Skinner's analysis of verbal behavior and works particularly well with children with minimal or no speech abilities. In this book, Dr. Lynch Barbera draws on her own experience as a Board Certified Behavior Analyst, and also a parent of a child with autism, to explain VB and how to use it.

This step-by-step guide provides an abundance of information about how to help children develop better language and speaking skills, and also explains how to teach non-vocal children to use sign language. An entire chapter focuses on ways to reduce problem behavior, and there is also useful information on teaching toileting and other important self-help skills that would benefit any child.

This book will enable parents and professionals unfamiliar with principles of ABA and VB to get started immediately using the Verbal Behavior Approach to teach children with autism and related disorders.

Thinking in Pictures: My Life with Autism

Temple Grandin, Ph.D.  270 pages/ 1996

Temple Grandin, Ph.D., is a gifted animal scientist who has designed one third of all livestock-handling facilities in the United States. She also lectures widely on autism-because temple grandin is autistic, a woman who thinks, feels and experiences the world in ways that are incomprehensible to the rest of us.

In this unprecedented book, Grandin delivers a report from the country of autism. Writing from the dual perspectives of a scientist and an autistic person, she tells us how that country is experienced by its inhabitants and how she managed to breach its boundaries to function in the outside world. What emerges in Thinking In Pictures is the document of an extraordinary human being, one who, in gracefully and lucidly bridging the gulf between her condition and our own, sheds light on the riddle of our common identity.

Thunder Hollow mud madness game


Toilet Training for Individuals with Autism & Related Disorders

Maria Wheeler, M.Ed.    122 pages/ 1998

This comprehensive guide contains more than 200 toilet training tips and 60 case examples to guide parents and teachers of children with autism who need techniques beyond those used to toilet train other children.

Toilet Training: A comprehensive guide for parents and teachers

Maria Wheeler, M.Ed.

122 pages/ 1998

This comprehensive guide contains more than 200 toilet training tips and 60 case examples to guide parents and teachers of children with autism who need techniques beyond those used to toilet train other children.

Too Safe For Strangers

Robert Kahn     18 pages/ 2001

This children's safety booklet is particularly aimed at the challenged child. It will educate them and make their lives safer while entertaining with art and clever wording. 

Too Smart For Bullies

Robert Kahn, Sharon Chandler  18 pages/ 2001

This children's booklet about bullying is particularly aimed at the challenged child. It will educate them and make their lives safer while entertaining with art and clever wording.

Travailler à l'école - une histoire sociale
Troubles envahissants du développement: Guide de stratégies psychoéducatives à l'intention des parents et professionnels

Suzanne Mineau, Audrey Duquette, Katia Elkouby, Claudine Jacques, Ann Ménard, Paméla-Andrée Nérette, Sylvie Pelletier, psychoéducatrices et éducatrices spécialisées

64 pages/ 2006

Ce guide d'intervention a été élaboré par des psychoéducatrices du CHU Sainte-Justine, dans le cadre de la Clinique d'évaluation des troubles envahissants du développement chez les 0-5 ans. Il a pour but de fournir aux parents et aux professionnels les premières pistes d'interventions à mettre en place dans le quotidien de ces enfants.

Les objectifs et les stratégies d'intervention de ce guide répondent principalement aux besoins des enfants non verbaux ou ayant un début d'acquisition du langage verbal. Cependant, plusieurs stratégies pourront s'avérer aussi pertinentes pour les enfants verbaux, puisqu'elles favorisent des apprentissages préalables à d'autres plus complexes.
